Benefits of Mustard Oil For Your Hair

Benefits of Mustard Oil For Your Hair

Receding hairlines is a problem for many men and women, even LeBron James.

Now, you could go James’ route and get hair plugs or use hair paint, or whatever it is he’s doing to “cover up” his famous receding hairline, or you could use a healthier method, which will probably be more beneficial in the long run…

One method is using mustard oil.


Mustard oil is a dark yellow oil made from mustard seeds. It does have a bit of a weird smell to it, but that doesn’t even matter much since you’re going to be washing it out anyway. All you have to do, is take a bit of warmed-up mustard oil, rub it in your palms, and massage it into your scalp for about 20 minutes. It’s most beneficial if you apply the mustard oil at night and leave it in overnight and wash it out the next morning. (Just be sure to wrap your hair with a headscarf to avoid getting the oil on your pillow!) You don’t need to do this every time you plan on washing you hair – once a week is good enough!

Mustard oil has plenty of benefits:

  1. It prevents hair loss (thus, receding hair)
  2. It treats dry hair
  3. It prevents early graying of hair
  4. It prevents baldness
  5. It keeps your scalp well moisturized
  6. It promotes healthy hair growth – in length and thickness

Maybe LeBron James is using some home remedies to treat his receding hairline, but the fact that it’s “grown back” so quick, creates suspicion…He’s definitely using his money to help him “regrow” his hair.

Here’s some before and after pictures of LeBron James’ hairline:

 This was taken on Sept. 16, 2014:


This photo is from a practice on Sept. 29, 2014:


And here’s what his hairline looked in a game against the Bulls on Apr. 5, 2015:



Clearly, LeBron’s hairline is heavily fluctuating, and it’s most probably because of the inconsistency of his hair plug use or his hair paint use.

Maybe, if he used mustard oil (and stuck to it), his hair would be at a much better place by now!



Mehak, pronounced \mɛ·hɛk\ (meh-heck). Mehak, pronounced \mɛ·hɛk\ (meh-heck). 22. Queens, NY. Been a fan of Hip-Hop/R&B and Basketball since I was 5. Curl Pattern: 3a.