The Curly-Haired Girl’s Guide To Pastel Hair Color

The Curly-Haired Girl's Guide To Pastel Hair Color

The Curly-Haired Girl's Guide To Pastel Hair Color


Your Instagram feed is a veritable rainbow these days, and you’re feeling the urge to try the trend. But, there’s just one problem: Your hair is curly. Curly and coily locks are more delicate than straight hair, as each bend in the strand is a weak point prone to breakage.

Also, curly hair tends to be more porous and, as you probably know by now, you need a significant amount of moisture to keep it healthy. Unfortunately, lightening and coloring only aggravates these issues by causing more breakage, higher porosity, and more dryness.

Don’t fret just yet — there’s a way for you to do pastel! By paying attention to a few key steps, you can get in on the trend all your straight-haired friends have been rocking.


The Coconut-Bleaching Method

If you want to get pastel or vibrant locks, then you will most likely need to lighten your hair before coloring.

Unless you already have very light, blonde hair, the pastel hue simply will not show up on your strands, which will make bleaching or double-processing a necessary step in the process. Of course, bleaching can be damaging — but coconut oil can help. We recommend the coconut-oil method.

The night before your bleaching appointment, take pure, unrefined coconut oil and saturate your strands completely, from root to tip.

Cover up with a shower cap, and leave in the oil overnight. The next day, bleach (or go to a professional stylist) with the oil still in your hair.The oil acts in the same way that your hair’s natural oils do, protecting the tresses and scalp from the harmful effects of bleach. Some women in the curly community have even found that it helps the bleaching process go faster.


From Refinery29

Originally posted 2015-01-02 21:08:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



Devoted Blogger. Hair enthusiast. On-off natural.