eco-friendly Hair Drying Gloves are here!

eco-friendly Hair Drying Gloves are here!

eco-friendly Hair Drying Gloves are here!

Introducing the eco-friendly hairdryer replacement: Hair Drying Gloves.

Sadly, these giant hands don’t blow out hot hair from their furry palms (yes, we were hugely disappointed too), but they do promise to dry hair twice as fast as your standard bathroom towel.

The hi-tech microfibres in the gloves are specifically designed to absorb water, leaving hair completely dry. They even work without removing styling products.

And if you get caught in a heavy winter shower on the way to work, you can just rub your magic gloves over your sodden locks to dry your hair instantly at your desk.

Retailer Hammacher Schlemmer also recommends the £13 mitts for styling your hair. They’re apparently perfect for achieving that 80s scrunched power-do.

From Metro


Devoted Blogger. Hair enthusiast. On-off natural.

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Hair Decoded @ 2015