Chemical Free Crown: A List Of A Few Natural Texturizers


True texturizers, while less severe than relaxers, are difficult to find in naturally occurring ingredients. Consumers that are leary of purchasing chemically laden texturizers at the local drugstore might find their curiosity rewarded by turning an eye to nature’s selection.

Holistically focused beauties, who have come to be known as naturalistas in some circles, recommended henna for a truly natural and less permanent approach to locking moisture into tight coils and spirals. A deeply moisturized coil pattern is typically thicker and more vibrant after a henna session. The process, however, is an admittedly long one. Working henna into the hair long enough to provide in-depth penetration may take 12 hours, done thoroughly.

Opting for a head wrap that covers the henna-soaked tresses before bed on a Friday allows enough time for the arduous process of rinsing it out the next morning. Henna may not rise up to everyone’s tastes, however, and there are other methods that have an extremely moisturizing effect upon the coiled crown.

A list of a few Natural Texturizers is provided below:

1. Bentonite Clay As a clay mask, in the manner of henna treatments

Bentonite clay is used to bring a pronounced curl pattern to the crown. Rather than loosen curls, it enhances the natural texture. This tends to be desirable when there are a mixture of textures in the crown ranging from limp to tight.

2. Shea butter, Aloe Vera, and Candellila Wax

These organic titans are among the active ingredients in temporary natural texturizers being sold on the green market.

Together they form a do-it-yourself product that is perfect for no-commitment styles.

3. Baking Soda While not directly natural, it is a formulated duplicate of a naturally occurring substance.

Women with very sensitive hair should exercise caution using this method; it’s wise to do a strand test before committing to a baking soda treatment. The alkaline properties (at a ph of 9) in baking soda cause retention of moisture, which in turn loosens the curl pattern. As a starter treatment, add a teaspoon to a cup of your conditioner or hair oil (more if you’re adventurous), and let it sit 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing. Be careful to avoid subjecting the scalp to this mix for longer than an hour, to avoid discomfort. The effects may take several deep conditioners to undo, if a longer lasting change is not desired.

Originally posted 2011-05-25 05:45:36. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

